Best Time to Ski in Australia: All Months Compared

Australia is a very popular place to ski because unlike the other major ski locations located in the northern hemisphere, the ski season is midway through the year. But when is the best time to ski in Australia? Here’s the quick answer…

August is the best month to ski in Australia because it has excellent snowfall and the snow base depth will be the highest. July also offers excellent skiing conditions but is usually busier and more expensive compared to August.

When is the Australian Ski Season?

The Australian ski season starts in early-mid June and ends in late September/ early October.

Here are the most recent 2022 ski season dates for the top 5 Australian ski resorts:

  • Thredbo 2022 ski season: 11th June – 4th October
  • Perisher 2022 ski season: 11th June – 3rd October
  • Mt. Hotham 2022 ski season: 11th June – 2nd October
  • Falls Creek 2022 ski season: 4th June – 2nd October
  • Mt. Buller 2022 ski season: 11th June – 2nd October

Check out the tables below for the previous ski season opening and closing dates for these 5 alpine resorts.

Opening Dates

Ski SeasonThredboPerisherMt. HothamFalls CreekMt. Buller
202211th Jun11th Jun11th Jun4th Jun 11th Jun
202112th Jun12th Jun12th Jun12th Jun 12th Jun
202022nd Jun24th Jun6th Jun6th Jun 24th Jun
20198th Jun31st May8th Jun8th Jun 8th Jun
20189th Jun7th Jun9th Jun9th Jun9th Jun
Opening dates for popular ski resorts in Australia

Closing Dates

Ski SeasonThredboPerisherMt. HothamFalls CreekMt. Buller
20224th Oct3rd Oct2nd Oct2nd Oct2nd Oct
202126th Sep29th Sep2nd Oct2nd Oct3rd Oct
202020th Sep4th Oct8th Jul*4th Oct28th Sep
20197th Oct13th Oct6th Oct6th Oct6th Oct
20181st Oct12th Oct7th Oct7th Oct7th Oct
Opening dates for popular ski resorts in Australia *closed earlier than typical

Which Month Has the Best Snow?

July and August are the best months for snow in Australia. These months typically have the highest snowfall with approximately 22″ of snow in each resort in July and 23″ in August which is almost double the amount of snowfall in June and September.

The snow quality is slightly better in August compared to July due to the increased base depth. Although unfortunately the base depth is much less compared to many North American/ European resorts, it does reach a respectable 38″ on average in August.

In September the snow quality isn’t as good as it gets significantly warmer compared to August so the snow starts to melt and become wetter and heavier. The snow quality in June also is not as good due to the low base depth.

MonthAverage SnowfallAverage Base Depth
Average snowfall and base depth in Australian ski resorts by month

Check out the tables below for a breakdown of the average snowfall and base depth by month in the top 5 Australian ski resorts.

Average Snowfall Per Month

MonthThredboPerisherMt. HothamFalls CreekMt. Buller
Data refers to averages. Data from

Average Snow Base Depth

MonthThredboPerisherMt. HothamFalls CreekMt. Buller
Data refers to averages. Data from

What is the Average Temperature?

July is the coldest month in Australian alpine resorts, averaging 1.4°C (35°F). June and August are also a similar temperature to July, whilst September is significantly warmer and October warmer still.

The temperature in Australian ski resorts is still fairly high compared to North American and European resorts and the summit altitude is also lower in most locations. This means that skiing in Australia is comfortable most of the time and it never really gets bitterly cold.

If you prefer things to be a bit warmer though, September is your best bet. However, keep in mind that the snow quality will reduce significantly during this month, so it’s best to go at the start of September so you get the balance of slightly warmer temperatures and decent snow.

MonthAverage Temperature (°C)Average Temperature (°F)
Average data from

Check out this table to see the average temperature per month in the 5 major ski resorts in Australia.

MonthThredboPerisherMt. HothamFalls CreekMt. Buller
June1.7°C/ 35°F1.5°C/ 35°F2.9°C/ 37°F2.1°C/ 36°F3.9°C/ 39°F
July0.5°C/ 33°F0.2°C/ 32°F2.0°C/ 36°F1.1°C/ 34°F3.0°C/ 37°F
August1.1°C/ 34°F0.7°C/ 33°F2.4°C/ 36°F1.5°C/ 35°F3.4°C/ 38°F
September4.3°C/ 40°F3.9°C/ 39°F5.2°C/ 41°F4.3°C/ 40°F6.1°C/ 43°F
October7.4°C/ 45°F7.0°C/ 45°F8.2°C/ 47°F7.2°C/ 45°F9.1°C/ 48°F
Average data from

Which Month is the Quietest?

June is the quietest time to ski in Australia because it is before the school holidays and the snow quality is lower during this month so the conditions don’t attract many visitors.

In Australia, early to mid July is a very busy time to ski because this coincides with the term 2 school holidays and the snow conditions are best during this time too. Late July quietens down but will still be relatively busy as will August as again, these months provide the best snow.

September is also a quiet month to ski, however it does pick up slightly towards the end of the month when the school holidays start and some skiers are trying to make the most of the snow before the season ends.

Which Month is the Cheapest?

In terms of lift tickets and accommodation, June and September are typically the cheapest months to ski in Australia.

Lift tickets are the most expensive in early-mid July during the school holidays. The ticket prices in some resorts decrease slightly at the end of July and throughout August, but they are still relatively high as these months have the best snow.

Comparing the Months

Let’s take a more in depth look at the skiing experience in Australia in each month.

Skiing in June

June is not the best month to ski in Australia because the conditions are not very reliable. The ski season typically only starts in early-mid July and the average snowfall during this month is lower compared to July and August. The base depth is also lowest in June compared to any other month in the ski season.

However, there are a couple of advantages to skiing in Australia in June compared to other months. Since the conditions aren’t as good, the lift tickets and accommodation are significantly cheaper in June. It is also a lot quieter on the slopes so can be a good option if you aren’t a fan of crowds.

Skiing in July

Skiing in July is very popular as this month has some of the best snow. The average snowfall and base depth is significantly better in July compared to June so the conditions are excellent for skiing and snowboarding.

However, it is very expensive to ski in Australia in June, and it is very busy. This is caused by the good snow/ weather conditions and the fact that the school holidays start and end in mid-July. Late July is the best time to ski during this month as it is quieter and a bit cheaper.

Skiing in August

August is an excellent month to ski in Australia because the snow conditions are the best. The average snowfall and base depth are highest in August which can bring some of the best powder snow.

The lift prices and accommodation are also cheaper during August compared to July as there are no school holidays, however it still won’t be as cheap as August or September.

Skiing in September

September is an okay month to ski in Australia, but the conditions won’t be as good compared to July and August. This is because the temperature starts to increase in September so the snow becomes wetter. However, the base depth should still be good, especially compared to June.

September is usually a cheap month to ski, and it won’t be as busy compared to June. It’s best to try and go at the start of September so the snow is still decent, as it does rapidly deteriorate throughout the month.

Skiing in October

October is the worst month to ski in the Australian ski season. The snow will be very wet as the temperature is much higher, and the base depth is also lower compared to every other month except June.

The ski season usually ends at the start of October, so you may be able to catch a few days before it ends, however the conditions won’t be great. The pluses are that it’ll be very quiet and cheap.

Ranking the Skiing Experience by Month

Best Snow QualityLeast CrowdedCheapest
#1 August  #1 October#1 October 
#2 July #2 June#2 June 
#3 September#3 September #3 September
#4 June #4 August #4 August
#5 October#5 July  #5 July

Weekdays vs Weekends

Weekends are significantly busier and more expensive to ski compared to mid-week. Ideally, if you can go during the week then you’ll get the best experience on the slopes, and pay less too!

On average, adult tickets are 18% cheaper on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday whereas child tickets are 15% cheaper. This equates to a $35 and $16 saving per ticket, respectively although it does vary between resorts.

Here is a comparison 2022 weekday and weekend ticket prices in June for each major Australian ski resort.

ResortAdult WeekdayAdult WeekendChild WeekdayChild Weekend
Mt. Hotham$148$195$81$102
Falls Creek$148$195$81$102
Mt. Buller$107$154$60$86

Best Time in the Day to Ski

The best time of day to ski is in the morning as the slopes will have been freshly groomed. You can also beat the crowds if you get onto the slopes very early. It also gives you time for other activities in the afternoon. However, afternoon ski school lesson prices are cheaper in some resorts compared to mornings.

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